Our mission at the Canterbury Episcopal Student Center is to provide a unique, alternative faith community that is personal, inclusive, and sacred.
Everyone is welcome and has a place.

Personal. Inclusive. Sacred.
By personal, we mean that we're a place where people will get to know who you are and care about you as an individual. We are a large enough family to have a good, solid foundation for a group, but not so big that you get lost in the crowd.
By inclusive, we mean that we value who YOU are, and we welcome you. From people who grew up Episcopalian to people who've never heard of the denomination. People who are Christian, questioning their faith, or just curious about the religion. People of all different races, sexual orientations, denominations, political persuasions, or any other thing that makes each of us unique or different. All are valued as children of God.
By sacred, we mean that we participate in those Christian traditions that value the sacred mystery of life and worship. Our worship is built around scripture and the sacrament of Holy Communion (a.k.a., the Eucharist). We are part of a centuries-old Anglican tradition, rooted in the deeper catholic tradition of the universal Church, that values a rhythm of prayer and holy mystery seeing God through one another and God's amazing world.
Canterbury House
a ministry of